
店长大人 8.5m2021-09-031430 次点击
The results of the tests are displayed in Table 5-1. In the third column you can see the results for an RPi 3 (in ARMv7 mode), running at a processor frequency of 1.2 GHz (with default CPU/GPU memory allocation). C/C++ takes 6.5 seconds to complete this number-crunching task, so this time is used as the benchmark and is weighted as 1.00 units. Therefore, Haskell takes 1.16 times longer to complete the same task, Java takes 1.52 times longer, Python 94.1 times longer, and Ruby 147 times longer. The processing durations in seconds are provided in parentheses and the table is ordered with respect to language performance. As you move across the columns, you can see that this performance is relatively consistent, even as the processor frequency is adjusted (discussed in the next section) or a desktop i7 64-bit processor is used.
-------------------摘自Exploring Raspberry Pi®: Interfacing to the Real World with Embedded Linux®. Derek Molloy
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RaspiSQH 120.9m 2021-09-03 
店长大人 8.5m 2021-09-06 

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