明天就是PI日啦,庆祝一下成为 3.14 donor 的感觉很奇妙 :D

yuandj 3.85m2021-03-131723 次点击1 人感谢

Want your name printed in The MagPi Magazine?
Become a Pi Day donor today!

一早查看邮箱,这期MAGPI主题当然就是即将到来的 PI 日捐赠啦。

Thank you! 感谢您!

Your donation will empower young people in more than 160 countries to learn about computing and digital making. 您的捐赠将鼓励160+国家的年轻人学习计算机和数字创作。这的确是一个鼓舞人心的愿景。

Donate PI日活动捐赠说明, 关于PI日营地的。
From now until 14 March, your donation will go toward our special Pi Day campaign. Your gift will provide young learners with access to our fun, free, online coding and digital making projects.


埃本·厄普顿(Eben Upton)

对于世界各地的人们来说,Pi Day是一个特殊的日子(尽管您偏爱使用日期格式),我喜欢看到制作人,学生和教育者庆祝的所有方式。今年,在树莓派基金会(Raspberry Pi Foundation),我们迎来了“树莓派日”,以支持社区中的年轻学习者和创作者。今天,我们启动了首个Pi Day筹款活动。从即日起至3月14日,我想请您帮助世界各地的年轻人,使他们有能力学习计算机,并成为自信,有创造力的数字制造商和工程师。

一个男孩用Raspberry Pi台式计算机进行编码

数百万的学习者使用Raspberry Pi Foundation的在线编码项目来开发新技能并利用技术进行创新。您对Pi Day活动的捐款将支持年轻人访问这些高质量的在线资源,而在学校和编码俱乐部受到破坏的情况下,他们比以往任何时候都更加需要这些资源。我是否提到过,我们的在线项目是完全免费的,并提供了数十种语言?这要归功于树莓派的客户和捐助者,他们为我们的教育使命提供了动力。

不仅是依靠Raspberry Pi Foundation的免费在线编码项目的年轻人,而且还有编码俱乐部的老师,教育者和志愿者:

“ Python和Scratch的项目资源使孩子们确实很容易学习编程并成功创建项目,即使他们以前的经验有限-他们也很棒。”




您可以选择在即将出版的The MagPi杂志中列出您的名字!
Pi Day活动提供的任何金额(无论是3.14, 31.42,还是更多)

今天成为Pi Day捐助者
收藏 ♥ 感谢
yuandj 3.85m 2021-03-13 

yuandj 3.85m 2021-03-14 

Dear Dejun,

Thank you for your donation to the Raspberry Pi Foundation, which goes towards our very first Pi Day campaign!

Our mission is to put the power of computing and digital making into the hands of people all over the world. The continued disruption to schools and clubs across the world means that our educational programs are more important than ever.

Your donation will help create a world where every young person, whatever their background or circumstances, can learn coding and digital making skills. This year, we’ve doubled down on online learning experiences for students. Our community of learners and teachers relies on our hundreds of fun, free online coding and digital making projects, and your support enables them to access these resources.

We would love to hear about what inspired you to donate to the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Please reply to this email to let us know.

The Raspberry Pi Foundation’s work is made possible thanks to our amazing community of volunteers, educators, and generous donors. Thank you for contributing to this urgent effort.

Best wishes,
沐风MWind 63.05m 2021-03-14 
yuandj 3.85m 2021-03-14  ♥ 1

yuandj 3.85m 2021-03-19 

Add your Raspberry Pi to the Rastrack map - Raspberry Pi raspberrypi.org

22nd May 2012
Liz Upton

Ryan Walmsley, a UK school student who is waiting impatiently for his own Raspberry Pi, has been collecting data from those who have already received theirs to create [ a map showing what the worldwide distribution of Raspberry Pis ]( http://rastrack.ryanteck.org.uk/ ) looks like at the moment. We’d love it if those of you who are already Raspberry Pi owners could fill in their location on Ryan’s Rastrack map (you can anonymise your name and other details) – we’re just as interested to see what the results will look like as you are!


(Screengrab of the Rastrack map at 17:30 BST, May 22 - click to go to the real thing.)

The map’s only been up for a day, and hasn’t been widely publicised, so it’s not very complete yet – we know there are at least 20,000 out there, with another several hundred thousand still on order. Currently, the northernmost Raspi on the map is in the far north of Norway, and the southernmost is in New Zealand. There’s one in Saudi Arabia, which surprised and pleased us, and we’re noticing that the UK is very heavily represented.

Thanks very much for working on this, Ryan; we’re finding it fascinating. And if you’re lucky enough to have received a Raspberry Pi yourself – [ go and fill your details in! ]

yuandj 3.85m 2021-03-19 
@snoopy 这个帖子编辑失效有些挠头,我边整理边编辑,超时后,再提交缓存中没有保存,就付水东流啦。依靠印象,补上后5图的信息吧。分别来自3个地方。

首先是 2019年年报,我是阅读2020年年年报给树莓派基金会发的邀请信的。

More than
8000 Code Clubs 8000+编程俱乐部
across the world
160 countries 来自世界160个国家和地区
12,000 volunteers 12000名志愿者
43% of club members 43% 的俱乐部成员是女生
are girls
92% of volunteers agreed 92%的志愿者认为编程俱乐部有助于他们的编程技巧提升。
that the young
people attending Code Clubs have
improved their programming skills

第17页 是 CoderDojo is a global community of free, open,
and local programming clubs for young people

90,000 young people
across 2200 active Dojos
111 countries
10,000 volunteers
33% of participants
are girls
92% of volunteers agreed
that the young
people attending CoderDojos have
improved their programming skills

然后是 2018年年报:有用户数量,没有国家数,难道是用户数量在减少吗?女孩数量较少,是男孩子都不完树莓派了吗?看第17页,第18页,做下比较。

More than
250,000 young
learning programming in over
14,000 active clubs worldwide
17,000 volunteers
and educators
running Code Clubs worldwide
24% of UK primary
schools and 25%
of UK secondary schools have
registered to run Code Clubs
38% of club members
are girls
92% of volunteers say the
children who attend
have improved their programming
skills through Code Club; 88% say
the children who attend are more
confident in their computer skills
because of Code Club

最后是来自 https://www.codeclubworld.org/about/countries/ 官网:

Over 10,000 Code Clubs have opened around the world and we have local partners in 11 countries.

Australia 1565 Code Clubs
Brazil 350 Code Clubs
Canada 1110 Code Clubs
Croatia 160 Code Clubs
France 190 Code Clubs
India 545 Code Clubs
New Zealand 550 Code Clubs
South Korea 130 Code Clubs
Ukraine 390 Code Clubs
United Kingdom 10345 Code Clubs
United States 984 Code Clubs

CHINA 142 clubs no partner?


Why become a Growth Partner?
To increase the reach and impact of your organisation using our proven model
To build relationships with and gain support from a global network of Growth Partners
To access our free, high-quality content and promotional materials that will help you set up Code Clubs in your community

What do we look for in a Growth Partner?
A non-profit organisation
A passion for teaching young people to code
An existing network of teacher, volunteers and schools

访问我们的免费,高质量的内容和促销材料,这些材料将帮助您在社区中建立Code Club

yuandj 3.85m 2021-03-19 
Starting a business with a Raspberry Pi

30th Aug 2012
Liz Upton

现在,人们的Raspberry Pi商业创意开始流行起来。 Pi在这些企业家类型中的优势在于价格。 在Pi成立之前,如果您想开设一家数字显示器业务,那么在驱动每个显示器的设备上花费的费用将超过35美元。

这是Raspberry Pi使人们能够以可承受的价格生产的东西的一个非常可爱的例子。 这是Shoop !,这是一款由Pi提供支持的纪念品照片打印机。 制造商布莱恩·德拉克鲁兹(Brian de la Cruz)称其为盒子中的照相馆。
(我的GITEE 仓里收藏了一个XPLAY的应用,就是用树莓派驱动的广告机。)

If, like Brian, you’re making a product which requires a Raspberry Pi to run, we don’t ask you to buy special permission or licences from us to use it. All we ask is that you include the words “Powered by Raspberry Pi” somewhere on your packaging. If your business is successful, we’d be very grateful if you could consider donating a small portion of your profits to the Raspberry Pi Foundation – but that’s all, and if you choose not to do that, that’s fine too. 如果您像Brian那样生产的产品需要运行Raspberry Pi,则我们不要求您购买特殊许可或许可以使用它。 我们只要求在包装上的某些地方加上“ Powered by Raspberry Pi”一词。 如果您的业务成功,那么如果您可以考虑将一小部分利润捐赠给Raspberry Pi基金会,我们将不胜感激–但这就是全部,如果您选择不这样做,那也很好。

http://rastrack.co.uk/ 该网站访问不了)

造成这种情况的原因有很多:在某些国家/地区,对快递服务征税令人震惊,是Pi费用的两倍多;在某些地方,进口税是禁止的(我不确定我们能做什么);在其他国家/地区中,实际上并没有一种使人们能够轻松地在线购买的方式。一些国家的互联网覆盖率非常低;其他人的人口则无法使用信用卡,甚至无法使用银行帐户。明年,我们将邀请某人专门致力于使Raspberry Pi进入这些领域-我们将与其他慈善机构和非政府组织一起开展这项工作。但是,如果您是住在其中一个国家/地区的人,那么您现在也可以做些事情来帮助您(附带为自己赚钱的副作用)。

现在可以批量订购Raspberry Pis,我们鼓励这些国家的进取型购买Pis(请参阅主页右上角的链接),以便在实体店中转售。如果您批量购买,则可节省大量运费;尽管无法在Raspberry Pi上获得大量折扣(我们的商业模式是Farnell和RS以尽可能多的单价和多价销售该设备),但您可以设置自己的价格-出售Raspberry Pi是一个很好的选择人们也可以从您那里购买外围设备,书籍和保护套的方法。

如果您要制作Raspberry Pi产品,请邮寄给我们。我们很乐意看到您在做什么。

Rastrack is a project started by Ryan Walmsley from the UK. The goal of this project is to track the geographic location of the Raspberry Pi owners. Raspberry Pi owners can add their location and it will be shown on Google Map available at http://rastrack.co.uk/:

Spoony 小组长 2021-03-20 
yuandj 3.85m 2021-04-07  ♥ 1
I donated to the Raspberry Pi Foundation for Pi Day
and I learned later that my name might end up in the
magazine. Which issue should I be looking out for? I’ve
read your magazine for years and would love seeing my
name in it!

Sylvia via Facebook

Due to the timing of how The MagPi is produced,
unfortunately we couldn’t make it happen in this issue.
However, we’ll be making sure it gets printed in issue 105
– check out page 97 to see when it comes out.

(上面的文字,节选在 MAGPI104 92 | MAGPI.CC | yOUR lETTERs )
yuandj 3.85m 2021-05-03 

Dejun Yuan :D at 44th Individuals Donors.

Free download MagPI 105.pdf

P90. P91 Pi Day donors | Magpi.cc

" Over 400 generous
individuals and companies
showed their support "

There was a special little bonus for people who
donated – their name mentioned here in The MagPi.
“In the weeks leading up to Pi Day, over 400
generous individuals and companies contributed
more than £18,000 to support young learners who
rely on the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s free learning
resources,” Anna reveals. “Through gifts of $3.14,
£31.42, €314.16, and more, Pi Day campaign donors
have made an impact on 60,000 young digital
makers who are learning new skills and getting
creative with computing.”
We’re honoured to display all your names. Thank
you for funding the Raspberry Pi Foundation.

Special thanks
from Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi Foundation extends
deep gratitude to the Pi Day campaign
donors listed here, and to the additional
220 supporters who have chosen to remain
anonymous. Special thanks goes to EPAM
Systems. who matched the first $5000
raised dollar-for-dollar; to CanaKit for
their generous gift of $3141; and to OKdo
for donating 50% of their Pi Day weekend
proceeds to this campaign.
If you would like to learn how you or your
company can support the Raspberry
Pi Foundation's mission, please visit

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