入驻于 2020-08-11 / MAKE 主页
git clone https://github.com/goodtft/LCD-show.git
你好 我终于解决了 原因在那个 Hardware Compatibility中有说明
The MCC DAQ HATs are compatible with all Raspberry Pi models with the 40-pin GPIO header (not the original Pi 1 A or B with the 26-pin header.) They are generally not compatible with any other brand of Raspberry Pi HAT or add-on board that attaches to the GPIO header, or devices that use the Raspberry Pi SPI interface.
In particular, LCD displays that use the GPIO header (not HDMI) usually use the SPI interface and will prevent the DAQ HATs from working. Even if the display is removed, the driver is probably still loaded by /boot/config.txt and will cause issues with the DAQ HATs. If you have a problem with your device and have used a GPIO header display with your Raspberry Pi then consult your display hardware documentation for how to remove the driver.
The specific pins used by each DAQ HAT are documented in the electrical specifications for that device.
如果之前接过LCD显示屏 ,需要把LCD的驱动卸载了,退回默认的hdmi
root@raspberry:~/Desktop/daqhats-master/daqhats-master/tools# mcc118_firmware_update 0 ~/daqhats/tools/MCC_118.hex
Error opening /root/daqhats/tools/MCC_118.hex.
电源也换了 还是不行
就是这样接的 操作系统Linux raspberry 4.14.34-v7+
我开启了 但是还是不行。。。 那个板子是用螺丝固定的
我安装好这个板子后,运行示例程序会报错,board not responding 这是怎么回事
_HAT = mcc118(hat_descriptor['address'])
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/daqhats/mcc118.py", line 128, in __init__
raise HatError(self._address, "Board not responding.")
daqhats.hats.HatError: Addr 0: Board not responding.