很烦……搜索了一通后,根据[这个](https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/111198/pending-kernel-upgrade-even-after-reboot-my-rpi4)页面,摘抄一部分: >1. the v8 kernel is experimental and should not be used >2. needrestart is confused by this >3. needrestart is often installed on your Pi because you installed docker > > So either ignore the message or uninstall needrestart...
然后看一下这个 `needrestart` 包: ``` $ apt show needrestart Package: needrestart Version: 3.5-4+deb11u2 ...... Features: ...... - tries to detect required restarts of containers (docker, LXC) - tries to detect pending kernel upgrades ...... ```
这样可以查看: ``` $ sudo needrestart l Scanning processes... Scanning processor microcode... Scanning linux images...
Failed to check for processor microcode upgrades.
No services need to be restarted.
No containers need to be restarted.
No user sessions are running outdated binaries. ``` 果然……
这个包本来挺有用的,每次更新的包提供的服务需要重启都会在 tui 提示,我也顺手重启了,但老是提示这个不该升级的内核重启升级就有点烦。看了一遍 man 手册,没找到可以单独关闭内核检测的选项,难道只能像上面说的那样无视或卸载吗……