To start the web browser using autostart do this:
Open the autostart file using the Nano editor:
nano /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
Add this to the end of autostart:
Save and exit by typing CTRL x then answer y
logout and back in to desktop or reboot
There are several options you can do such as fullscreen or kiosk modes etc.
For full screen mode:
chromium-brower --start-fullscreen
Use F11 to toggle between full screen and normal
For Kiosk mode:
chromium-brower --kiosk
Like full screen but user can't use F11 so can't change to different website.
Can only use alt-F4 or ctrl w to quit browser
Substitute any URL you want to use.
Specifying more than 1 URL will open each in a TAB. Use Shift-CTRL-Tab to switch tabs.